Bog & Brass

"We are thrilled that everyone who uses our pens and razors, knows they are getting an authentic Bog and Brass instrument with a piece of Irish history."

~Stephen McDowell
   Bog and Brass CEO

I always had a fascination with wood when I was young, but it wasn’t until I started collecting driftwood on walks along the shore of my local town and creating random things from what I found that my passion grew.

This led me to look more into woodworking, and I decided on trying wood turning.

After a lot of reading and watching videos online I learned the basics and used this to practice until I felt comfortable with what I was doing.

Every day is a learning experience and I love trying new ideas and techniques. So here Iam, still learning and loving creating. I create all the pieces in my little workshop which grows by the day, and I love making new things, especially custom orders.

Nothing makes me happier than when a customer is overjoyed with their one-of-a-kind item.